HTTP 2.0-Here Is All You Would Love to Know

Since the arrival of the internet, things have become a lot easier. You can access anything from the internet either it is educational material or recreational. However, the question is how do you access this data. Let’s make it more simple, how you are accessing this page. It may be very simple for you as a reader. However, there is a protocol named as HTTP or HTTP2.0 that fetches you this data. What is this protocol? TOP10.DIGITAL has come here with all the necessary details for you.


What is HTTP 2.0?

HTTP or HyperText Transfer Protocol is an essential element that enables browsers to communicate with a server. Moreover, this protocol fetches data when you browse something on the internet. World wide web uses this protocol and eventually connects with the host server of a website.

It is also worth mentioning that before HTTP there was SPDY protocol that Google had developed. However, the Internet Engineering Task Force’s (IETF) HTTP working group developed HTTP 2.0 in 2015.

How does HTTP work?

The protocol’s focus is to optimize the flow of content between the client and the server. When a browser connects with a server, HTTP negotiates a session with the server. While the type of the session varies because of the browser’s different features.


If both parties support HTTP 2.0 then the server uses HTTP2 protocol to optimize and shape the content. However, if one of them does now support HTTP2 then it will revert back to HTTP1 and will communicate accordingly.

What are the advantages of HTTP 2.0?

Well, every human-made things have some advantages and some disadvantages. Firstly we talk about the advantages of HTTP 2.0 that are the following.

  • Multiplexing: Using HTTP2.0 one can send multiple requests on the same server and it does not break it down. So, you can browse multiple things smoothly.
  • Stream prioritization: It allows developers to render the requisite page to visitors.
  • Binary Protocol: It is a binary code protocol and removes all security issues. Because it transmits only binary commands in the form of 0 and 1.
  • Browser Compatibility: HTTP 2.0 is almost compatible with all browsers. Either it is Edge, Safari, Mozilla, Chrome, or Opera.

What are the disadvantages of HTTP2?

The following are the disadvantages of this protocol.

  • Not compatible with older browser: It is not compatible with the older versions of the browsers. So, you will have to update your browser to use this internet protocol.
  • Only HTTPS support: Most browsers do not respond to browsing Http sites. Therefore, you will have to get an SSL certificate to browse the internet.
  • Delay in debugging: It also creates delay and complication in debugging as it supports binary codes instead of textual.

TOP10.DIGITAL recommends you to use HTTP 2.0 as this protocol is more robust and offers an increased page load speed and security. Moreover, stay tuned and visit this site regularly to get the latest updates.

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