How To Install ImageMagick (Imagick) In WHM?

How To Install ImageMagick (Imagick) In WHM? 1 Top10.Digital

How to install imagick in whm?

ImageMagick is to perform the simple image conversions edit, compose, or convert bitmap images.

It can read and write images in a variety of formats over 200 including PNG, JPEG, GIF, TIFF,  PDF and SVG.

Install using RPM

  1. WHM  » Software » Install an RPM
  2. look for “ImageMagick“, > install.
  3. Select  “ImageMagick-devel“, > install.
  4. Select  “pcre-devel“, > install.

Install using Module Installers in WHM

  1. WHM  » Software » Module Installers
  2. Click PHP Pecl “Manage“
  3. Search “imagick“, > Go.
  4. Click install
  5. Restart  PHP-FPM.

Also, Check: How to Install FFMPEG on WHM/cPanel Server – CentOS 7